Currently our collections include:
Art / Anthropology (Human and Cultural)
Biography and Memoirs / Business / Books About Books
Canadian Literature and Poetry / Canadian History / Christian Thought and Practice / Cookbooks / Crafts and Needlework
Dictionaries and English language reference
Exploration and Travel Memoirs / Essays / Education
Foreign Language Books / First Nations and Native Studies
Geological Surveys and Paleontology (listed on AbeBooks & Biblio) / General Fiction and Mysteries
Health and Medicine / History / Hobby and How-To
Literature and Modern Classics
Mythology and Fable / Music
Natural History and Popular Science
Philosophy / Poetry / Psychology / Plays / Photography
Q-Stacks – Special Collections (listed on AbeBooks & Biblio)
Rare and Collectible Books / Rail, Marine and Transportation
Self-Help / Sports and Games / Social Issues
Theater and Performing Arts / Theological Reference
Vintage Fiction / Vintage Schoolbooks
Women’s Studies / World Religions and Spirituality / War and Military
We are building new collections to add to our catalogues, so check back for more.